2024 Annual Conference

The NJOTA Annual Conference will be in person on Saturday, Novmeber 2nd, 2024 held at Monmouth University. 

The theme for this year will be:

mOTivate Fall Conference: Get mOTivated

In lieu of a specific theme for conference, NJOTA is shifting to an annual theme of motivation to align with our mOTivators campaign. We hope presenters and attendees will leave conference feeling reinvigorated, inspired, and motivated to make a difference in the world. 
Earn 7.25 contact hours!

Please direct all questions to [email protected].

Call For Papers

NJOTA's Call for Papers is open for our annual fall motivate conference!
Please share your knowledge and skills with other New Jersey occupational therapists
We are accepting proposals for short courses (1 hour), workshops (3 hours), and posters.
Deadline for Papers has been extended to August 8th.
Click Here for More Information

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 Click here to become an Exhibitor/Sponsor